# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- class Solution(object): def maximalRectangle(self, matrix): """ :type matrix: List[List[str]] :rtype: int """ if not matrix: return 0 m = len(matrix) n = len(matrix[0]) left = [0] * n # initialize left as the leftmost boundary possible right = [n] * n # initialize right as the rightmost boundary possible height = [0] * n maxarea = 0 for i in range(m): cur_left, cur_right = 0, n # update height for j in range(n): if matrix[i][j] == '1': height[j] += 1 else: height[j] = 0 # update left for j in range(n): if matrix[i][j] == '1': left[j] = max(left[j], cur_left) else: left[j] = 0 cur_left = j + 1 # update right for j in range(n - 1, -1, -1): if matrix[i][j] == '1': right[j] = min(right[j], cur_right) else: right[j] = n cur_right = j # update the area for j in range(n): maxarea = max(maxarea, height[j] * (right[j] - left[j])) return maxarea if __name__ == '__main__': matrix = [ ["1", "0", "0", "0", "0"], ["1", "0", "1", "1", "1"], ["1", "1", "1", "1", "1"], ["1", "0", "0", "1", "0"] ] print(Solution().maximalRectangle(matrix))
思路:这道题一看就感觉是动态规划,但是动态规划其实难就难在找状态,这道题我思考了很久尝试找出状态,刚开始想的就是max area,后来发现不行,要带边状态,然后又尝试m*n,area的组合,但是依然不行。
对于height,就是连续多少个1,对于left是当前列在之前出现过的行中最大的1索引,也就是尽可能靠右,然后right同理,这时候我们就在这行可以求出最大矩形面积( right-left )*height = ( 5-2 )*2
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