




5.1.1 internet服务提供者(ISP)

Internet Service Providers (ISP)

互联架构(internetworking architecture)的两个组成部分:
(1)无连接分组交换(connectionless packet switching)
(2)基于路由器的互联(router-based interconnectivity)

5.1.2 无连接分组交换(数据报网络)(connectionless packet switching)

端到端(end-to-end)(sender-receiver pair)数据流被分割为固定大小的包,由网络交换机(network switches)路由器(router)进行接受和处理,通过排队(queued)转发(forwarded)从一个中间节点传递到下一个节点。

5.1.3基于路由器的互联(router-based interconnectivity)


(1)物理网络(physical network)
物理网络包括数据链路层(data link layer)物理层(physical layer)
(2)传输层协议(Transport Layer Protocol)
(3)应用层协议(Application Layer Protocol)


Cloud providers can easily configure cloud-based IT resources to be accessible for both external and internal users through an Internet connection.


5.2数据中心问题(Data Center Technology)

现代数据中心是指一种特殊的IT基础设施,用于集中放置IT资源,包括:服务器(services)、数据库(data-bases)、网络与通信设备(networking and telecommunication devices)以及软件系统(software system)
(2)虚拟层对资源进行抽象和控制,通常是由虚拟化平台(virtualization platform)上的运行和管理工具构成。

5.2.1 虚拟化(virtualization)


VIM (virtual infrastructure management 虚拟基础设施管理器,用于协调与VM实例创建相关的物理服务器)

5.2.2 标准化与模块化(Standardization and Modularity)

数据中心以标准化商用硬件(standardized commodity hardware)为基础,用模块化架构(modular architecture)进行设计,整合了多个相同的基础设施模块和设备,具备可扩展性(scalability)可增长性(growth)快速更换硬件(speedy hardware replacement)的特点。
标准化和模块化是减少投资(reduce investment)运营成本(operatiounal costs)的关键条件。因为它们实现采购(procurement),收购(acquisition),部署(deployment),运营(operation)和维护(maintenance)的规模经济。

5.2.3 自动化(Automation)


5.2.4 远程操作与管理(Remote Operation and Management)


5.2.5 高可用性(High Availability)

数据中心采用了冗余度(redundancy)越来越高的设计。数据中心通常具有冗余的不间断电源(uninterruptable power supplies),综合布线(cabling),环境控制子系统(environmental control subsystem in anticipation of system failure),冗余的通信链路(communication link)和集群硬件(clustered hardware for load balancing)。

5.2.6 安全感知的设计,操作与管理(Security-Aware Design,Operation,and Management )

如:物理和逻辑的访问控制(physical and logical access control),数据恢复策略(data recovery strategies)。

5.2.7 配套设施(Facilities)


5.2.8 计算硬件(Computing Hardware)

5.2.9 存储硬件(Storage Hardware)

(1)硬盘阵列(hard disk array)
(2)I/O高速缓存(I/O catcohing)
(3)热插拔硬盘(hot-swappable hard disk)
(4)存储虚拟化(storage virtualizatoion)
(6)快速数据复制机制(fast data replication mechanism),包括快照(snapshotting),卷克隆(volume cloning)
(1)存储区域网络(Storage Area Network,SAN)
(2)网络附加存储(Network-Attached Storage,NAS)

5.2.10 网络硬件(network hardware)

(1)运营商和外网互联(Carrier and External Network Interconnection)
(2)Web层负载均衡和加速(Web-Tier Load Balancing and Acceleration)
(3)LAN光网络(LAN Fabric)
(4)SAN光网络(SAN Fabric)
(5)NAS网关(NAS Gateways)

5.2.11 其他考量


5.3虚拟化技术(Virtualization Technology)

运行虚拟化的物理服务器称为主机(host)物理主机(physical host)
与虚拟机管理相关的服务的软件称为虚拟机管理器(virtual muachine manager)虚拟机监视器(virtual Machine monitor),最常见的名称为虚拟机监控器(hypervisor)
Hypervisor exists as a thin layer of software that handles hardware management functions to establish a virtualization management layer.

5.3.1硬件无关性(Hardware Independence)

5.3.2服务器整合(Server Consolidation)

The different virtual servers can run different guest operating systems on the same host.
The coordinate function that is provided by the virtualization software allows multiple virtual service to be simultaneously created in the same virtualization host. Virtualization technology enable different virtual service to share one physical service .This  process is called service consolidation。

5.3.3资源复制(Resource Replication)

5.3.4基于操作系统的虚拟化(Operating System-Based Virtualization)

是指在一个已存在的操作系统上安装虚拟化软件,这个已存在的操作系统被称为宿主操作系统(host operating system)。
Virtualization software translates hardware IT resources into virtualized IT resources.

5.3.5基于硬件的虚拟化(Hardware-Based Virtualization)


5.3.6虚拟化管理(Virtualization Management)

虚拟化IT资源的管理通常是由虚拟化基础设施管理(virtualization Infrastructure management ,VIM)工具实现的。


(1)性能开销(performance overhead)
(2)特殊硬件兼容性(special hardware compatibility)

5.4 Web技术(Web Technology)

Artifacts accessible via WWW are referred to as resources or Web resources.
可以通过WWW访问的事物称为资源(resource)或Web 资源(Web resources)。

5.4.1基本Web技术(Basic Web Technology)

(1)统一资源定位符(Uniform Resource Locator,URL)
(2)超文本传输协议(Hypertext Transfer Protocol,HTTP)
(3)标记语言(Markup Language)(HTML,XML)

5.4.2Web应用(Web Application)

PaaS ready-made environments enable cloud consumers to develop and deploy Web applications.

5.5多租户技术(Multi tenant Technology)

The multitenant application design was created to enable multiple users to access the same application logic simultaneously.
The multitenant applications ensure that tenants do not have access to data and configuration information that is not their own.
(1)用户界面(user interface)
(2)业务流程(business process)
(3)数据模型(data model)
(4)访问控制(access control)
(1)使用隔离(usage isolation)
(2)数据安全(data security)
(4)应用升级(application upgrade)
(6)使用计费(metered usage)
(7)数据层隔离(data tier isolation)

5.6服务技术(Service Technology)

The field of service technology is a keystone foundation of cloud computing that formed the basis of the “as-a-service” cloud delivery models.

5.6.1 Web服务(Web Service)

(1)Web服务描述语言(Web Service Description Language)
(2)XML模式描述语言(XML schema definition language)
(3)SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
(4)统一描述,发现和集成(Universal Description ,Discovery and Integration,UDDI)

5.6.2 REST服务(REST Service)

REST服务没有独立的接口技术,是共享一个通用技术接口,该技术接口称为统一合约(Uniform Contrast),一般是HTTP方法建立的。
(4)接口/统一合约(Interface/Uniform Contrast)
(5)层次化系统(Layered System)

5.6.3服务代理(Service Agent)

(1)主动服务代理(Active Service Agent):在拦截并读取信息后,会采取一定的措施,通常是修改信息内容(最常见的是修改信息头部数据,少部分会修改信息体数据)。
Active service agent perform an active upon intercepting and reading the content of a message . The action typically requires making change to the message contents or change the path itself。
(2)被动服务代理(Passive Service Agent:不会修改数据,而是读取信息后捕捉特定内容以便进行监控、记录或者报告。
(2)Passive service agent do not change message contents. Instead ,they read the message and may then capture certain path of its contents ,usually for monitoring ,logging ,or reporting purposes.

5.6.4服务中间件(Service Middleware)

(1)企业服务总线(ESB)(Enterprise Service Bus)
(2)业务流程平台(orchestration platform)
(1)云用户和云提供者通常利用Internet进行通信。Internet 以无中心的供给和管理模型为基础,不受任何集中式实体控制。
1. (  ) All clouds must be connected to a network.
2. (  ) Cloud providers can easily configure cloud-based IT resources to be accessible for both external and internal users through an Internet connection.
3. (  ) Data centers consist of only physical IT resources. (Data  center consist of both physical and virtualized IT resource
4. (  ) The different virtual servers can run different guest operating systems on the same host.
5. ( T  ) Virtualization software translates hardware IT resources into virtualized IT resources.
6. (  T ) Hardware-based virtualization generally compare operating system-based virtualization makes more efficient.
7. (  T  ) Hypervisor exists as a thin layer of software that handles hardware management functions to establish a virtualization management layer.
8. (  T  ) Artifacts accessible via WWW are referred to as resources or Web resources.
9. (  T  ) PaaS ready-made environments enable cloud consumers to develop and deploy Web applications. 
10. (  T  ) The multitenant application design was created to enable multiple users to access the same application logic simultaneously.
11. (  T  ) Multitenant applications ensure that tenants do not have access to data and configuration information that is not their own. 
12. ( T ) The field of service technology is a keystone foundation of cloud computing that formed the basis of the “as-a-service” cloud delivery models. 
1. Established and deployed by ISPs, the Internet’s largest backbone networks are strategically interconnected by core (   A   )  that connect the world’s multinational networks.
A. routers      B. Switchs    C. Modems    D. firewalls
2. The concept of the Internet was based on a (  A    ) provisioning and management model.
A. decentralized    B. centralize   C. local    D. part
3. The Internet’s topology has become a dynamic and complex aggregate of ISPs that are highly interconnected via its core ( A     ). 
A. protocols    B. managements    C.signals    D.not all
4. Worldwide connectivity is enabled through a hierarchical topology composed of (    A  ) Tiers.
A.3    B.4    C.7    D.8
5. In Connectionless Packet Switching Datagram NetworksEach packet carries the necessary ( A ) information.
A. location    B. node    C.rout    D.all
6. A (  A    ) is a device that is connected to multiple networks through which it forwards packets.
A. router      B. Switch    C. Modem    D. firewall
7. (    D  ) is transport layer protocol.
A. HTTP    B. SMTP    C.IP    D. TCP
8. ( D     ) is transport layer protocol.
A. TCP    B. UDP    C. HTTP    D. both A and B
9. What factors lead to suffer network service-level degradation. (   D   )
A. bandwidth reduction    B. latency increase    C. packet loss    D.All
10. The service levels of Internet connections between cloud consumers and cloud providers are determined by their   A  .
A. ISPs    B. cloud consumers    C. cloud providers    D. administrator
11. The resource abstraction and control of the   D  layer is comprised of operational and management tools that are often based on virtualization platforms.
A. transport    B. network    C.  physical IT resource    D.virtualization
12. This interconnection is usually comprised of   A that provide routing between external WANconnections and the data center’s LAN.
A. backbone routers    B. backbone switch    C. backbone hub    D.none
13. Virtualization is the process of converting a   C   IT resource into a virtual IT resource.
A.software    B.logical    C. physical    D.All
14. Virtualization software runs on a physical server called a  A   , whose underlying hardware is made accessible by the virtualization software. 
A. host     B.client    C.broser    D.none
15. Through hardware independence, virtual servers can easily be moved to another virtualization host, automatically resolving multiple hardware-software D   issues.
A. independence    B. unreliability    C. unavailability    D.incompatibility
16. Virtual servers are created as virtual disk images that contain   A file copies of hard disk content. 
A. binary    B. Decimal    C. Hexadecimal    D. ASCII
17. virtualization infrastructure management (VIM) tools that collectively manage   A  and rely on a centralized management module. 
A. virtual IT resources    B. physical IT resources    C. both A and B   D.None
18.   A  is the primary communications protocol used to exchange content and data throughout the World Wide Web.
19. The third tier of Web Applications is the (D)that is comprised of persistent data stores.
A. Data Link Layer    B. presentation layer    C. application layer    D.data layer
20. Along with XML, the core technologies behind Web services are represented by the following industry standards:D
A. WSDL    B. SOAP    C. UDDI    D.ALL
1. Explains the difference between the concept of Multitenancy and Virtualization.
 (1)With virtualization :Multiple virtual copies of the service  environment can be hosted by a single physical service。
(2)with multitenancy :A physical or virtual service hosting an application is designed to allow usage by multiple  different users。
2. What industry standards are represented the core technologies behind Web services?
(1)Web Service Description Language(WSDL)
(2)XML schema definition language(XML Scheme)
(3)Simple Object Access Protocol(SOAP)
(4)Universal Description ,Discovery and Integration,(UDDI)
3. Describing the active and passive service agents.
(1)Active service agent perform an active upon intercepting and reading the content of a message . The action typically requires making change to the message contents or change the path itself。
(2)Passive service agent do not change message contents.Instead ,they read the message and may then capture certain path of its contents ,usually for monitoring ,logging ,or reporting purposes.
4. Description the Modern data centers.
Modern data centers exist as specialized IT infrastructure used to house centralized IT resource ,such as services 、data-bases 、networking and telecommunication devices, and software system.
5. What is called server consolidation ?
The coordinate function that is provided by the virtualization software allows multiple virtual service to be simultaneously created in the same virtualization host. Virtualization technology enable different virtual service to share one physical service .This  process is called service consolidation。
6. Which categories for Networked storage devices usually fall into?
(1) Service Area Network (SAN)
connected through a dedicated network
provide block-level data storage access
using industry standard protocol
(2)Network-Attached Storage(NAS)
Hard drive arrays are contained and managed by this dedicated device  , connects through a network.
using file-centric data access protocol like the Network File System (NFC) or  Service Message Block  ( SMB).
7. Data centers require extensive network hardware in order to enable multiple levels of connectivity.  the data center is broken down into five network subsystems, What is these ?
(1)Carrier and External Network Interconnection
(2)Web-Tier Load Balancing and Acceleration
(3)LAN Fabric
(4)SAN Fabric
(5)NAS Gateways
8. Three fundamental elements comprise the technology architecture of the Web, Which is these?
(1)Uniform Resource Locator,URL
(2)Hypertext Transfer Protocol,HTTP
(3)Markup Language(HTML,XML)

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